Pustulus Maximus: nuevo guitarrista de GWAR

Pustulus Maximus GWAR

Tras el trágico fallecimiento del anterior guitarrista de GWAR, Corey Smoot (conocido como Flattus Maximus), la banda ha tenido que emprender la búsqueda de un nuevo guitarrista. Finalmente, el elegido ha sido el guitarrista de la banda Cannibis Corpse, Brent Purgason.

Brent Purgason tendrá como apodo Pustulus Maximus, siguiendo la estela del nombre anterior de Corey, Flattus Maximus. Brent declaró llegados a este punto no tenía nada que declarar ante la prensa, simplemente quería dejar que su guitarra hablara por si sola y poder rendir homenaje a Corey, siendo un honor para él poder ser el guitarrista actual de la banda. Por otro lado, el cantante de la banda Oderus Urungus declaró que estaban devastados por la pérdida de Corey, pero era necesario buscar otro guitarrista. Es complicado traducir sus declaraciones pero si entendéis inglés seguro que os gustan:

“Naturally, we were devastated by the passing of Flattus, but we turned that grief into rage and set about the task of finding a new guitar player. The first thing we did was sound the mighty Horn of Hate, and alert all Scumdogs, scattered across the galaxy as they are, as to what had occurred. What people didn’t know about Flattus was that was is part of a huge tribe of brutish warriors, The Maximus Clan. They are at the core of any Scumdog Legion worth its blood! Planet Maximus is just crawling with them!”

“Many of the tribe had fought and even played in bands with Flattus, and we began to get messages from across the stars. The Scumdogs were coming! Coming to Earth to lay tracks on our new album, and pay tribute to the mighty Flattus. Soon the War-Barges of Maximus tribe members began to appear in Earth’s orbit…and land outside our great temple! Bubonis, Infectitcus, Fartacus, and many more-all have participated in the creation of the songs that shall be on our new album, which will be out sometime next year. But it was not until the hulking form of Pustulus appeared at the studio door, bloody guitar in hand, that we knew we had our new member. Here was a being that was supposedly born with a guitar in his fist, which of course resulted in the death of his beloved mother, whose body he immediately devoured. If anyone can replace our beloved comrade, it is this foul creature. Because he can fucking shred.”

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