Jewel – Marty Friedman & Jason Becker cover

Marty Friedman Jason Becker Jewel Guitar Cover

Esta es mi humilde versión del sexto tema del mítico álbum “Dragon’s Kiss” de Marty Friedman. Quería rendir tributo a uno de los dúos de guitarristas más increibles de la historia: Jason Becker y Marty Friedman. ¿Sabíais que compusieron la canción en apenas 10 minutos antes de subir a un avión? Increible. Esta es la historia contada por Marty:


“Jason and I were in the Orange County airport waiting for a plane so we opened our guitar cases and wrote this in about 10 minutes right there at the gate in the airport. It was nothing unusual for us to just start playing anywhere. We really didn’t care about what else was going on, if we wanted to jam, we just did.

As we wrote this, we knew immediately that we both loved the piece so we began to fight over who was going to get the song on his solo album. This was right as we were both gathering material for our solo records, but we knew only one of us could get the song.

Neither of us wanted to give it up! Eventually we decided to flip a coin and I won. Not to be outdone, Jason later called me up and said, “Dude, I’ve got a melody that’s even better than Jewel for my record! Ha!” That melody was to become the intro to “Opus Pocus” on his “Perpetual Burn” album. “

Las dos guitarras han sido grabadas con Bias FX, la interfaz de audio Focusrite Scarlett y las guitarras Ibanez JEM 7VWH ’99 e Ibanez RG450PN. Dar las gracias a Arnaldo García por la backing track (

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